記憶から完全に抹殺されていたけど、先々月Physical Review LettersにアクセプトされたIWS研KSHRさんの論文が掲載されていた。私的には久々のサイクロトロン共鳴論文、そしてやっぱりKohnの定理!

"Correlation-Enhanced Effective Mass of Two-Dimensional Electrons in MgxZn1-xO/ZnO Heterostructures"

Y. Kasahara et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 246401 (2012)

We performed combined magnetotransport and cyclotron resonance experiments on two-dimensional electron systems confined in the MgxZn1-xO/ZnO heterostructures over a wide range of carrier densities, from 1.9 to 12×1011  cm-2 (3.5≲rs≲10, where rs is the Wigner-Seitz radius). As the carrier density was reduced, the transport mass mtr* was strongly enhanced. In marked contrast, the effective masses determined from the cyclotron resonance mCR* were found to be independent of the carrier density and as large as the bulk effective mass. The large enhancement of mtr*, which exceeds mCR* by ∼60%, at the lowest carrier density with rs∼10 is purely attributed to the strong electron correlation.
